Year 10
This team (Mark Bergman, Oliver Hoang, Jason Lin, Daniel Lloyd-Hurwitz, James Woo and Johnny Xu) have been unstoppable. This is the second year in a row that they have won the ISDA Competition and it seems that they are keen to do more! They are obviously articulate and can develop fearsome arguments whilst also adding a little bit of zesty humour to what can be some very dry debate topics.
Senior A
Jack Glass, Toby Mok, Remy Sloan and Jack Story took it all the way! Once again, there is no doubt that they are debaters of great esteem, but I think what makes this team particularly effective is the delightful camaraderie that you are witnessing as they debate. Their friendship is obvious, and this makes for a team that are super effective and really enjoyable to watch! It is not just me that thinks so, as Jack Glass, Toby Mok and Jack Story represented NSW at the Nationals Debating this year. Toby has been selected onto the Australian Team which is just so wonderful!
The Year 10 and Senior A ISDA Debating Competition winners 2022