Old Sydneians’ Alumni Office
Old Sydneians live and work all over the world.
For those of you who live near Sydney, the School organises many activities which will help you keep in touch with your friends and former teachers. Reunions are an important part of this; we also support a Big Band for Old Sydneians called Dr V’s Swing Thing, an Old Sydneians’ Orchestra, Cricket Club and a variety of occasional sporting clubs.

If you would like further information about any of this, or if you would like to organise a reunion, please contact the Alumni Office at College Street. Email address is alumni@sydgram.nsw.edu.au
SGS Magazine, The Sydneian and the Old Sydneians’ Newsletter provide convenient ways of keeping up with events here. If you are not receiving these, and would like to, please make sure that we have your current address details correct once again by contacting the Alumni Office at the above address.

The Alumni Office plays a key role in the life of the School, assisting with communications and relations with Old Boys.
For more information contact the office:
Phone: 9332 5843
Email: alumni@sydgram.nsw.edu.au
The Sydney Grammar School Foundation was established in 1979 and is a public company limited by guarantee. Today the Foundation is governed by the elected Trustees of the School. The various associations within the School are represented on the Fundraising Advisory Board which supports the work of the Foundation. A number of funds are managed through the Foundation all of which are tax deductible. These include the Building Fund and the Library Fund.
The vision of providing an endowment to support scholarships is as old as the School itself. In fact, it was one of the School’s founders, Dr John Woolley, who first envisaged Grammar as a fee paying school supported by an endowment which paid for scholarships. This vision is strongly supported by the Trustees of the School.
Donors wishing to support our means-tested programme are now able to claim a tax deduction.
For those wishing to remember the School through a bequest, the matter of tax deductibility may not be an issue. In a sense a bequest is the ultimate gift, a way of expressing the affection you have for your School. By giving in this way you can enable a talented boy, whose parents cannot afford the fees, a chance to take advantage of all that Sydney Grammar School can offer.
A bequest can take the form of:
- Stocks and shares
- Works of art, collections, personal effects such as jewellery
- A specified amount of money
- A life insurance policy
- Life income plan, annuities, or trusts
- Proportion or whole of an estate
- A specific bequest of property
For further information on any of the above, please contact the Alumni Office, on (02) 9332 5843.
Old Sydneians’ Newsletter
The Newsletter for Old Sydneians is published periodically throughout the year and is aimed at keeping you up-to-date with news and events you may be interested in attending at College Street. If you are currently not receiving this by email, or have any questions or submissions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Alumni Office at alumni@sydgram.nsw.edu.au
Click below to view recent Newsletters.
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Number 38
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Number 37
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 36
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 35
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 34
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 33
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 32
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 31
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 30
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 29
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 28
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 27
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 26
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 25
- Old Sydneians’ Newsletter – Volume 24
Dr V’s Swing Thing
Formed in 2002, Dr V’s Swing Thing is Grammar’s Big Band for Old Boys of the School (and friends of Old Boys) who can never get enough jazz.
Previously led by the School’s much-loved jazz guru and ARIA-winning trumpeter Mr Vladimir Khusid (aka ‘Professor of Jazz at the University of Azerbaijan’), and taking its name from the band’s patron, Dr V’s Swing Thing become a well-known ensemble in Sydney jazz circles.
Dr V’s Swing Thing, have reformed this year under the direction of Mr David Theak. Theak, former leader of the Jazzgroove Mothership Orchestra, is one of Australia’s most highly regarded jazz musicians, and hopes to build on the legendary multi-decade musical legacy of Mr Vladimir Khusid (1946-2023).
Rehearsals are held in the Alastair Mackerras Theatre on Monday nights, 7-9pm.
Old Sydneians’ Cricket Club
Founded in 1953, the Old Sydneians' Cricket Club has competed every year in the City and Suburban Cricket Association which is a direct affiliate of the NSW Cricket Association, under the banner of the Sydney Cricket Association.
The CCSA provides good quality cricket (with a number of ex-grade players) in a friendly but competitive atmosphere. Matches commence at 1:30pm and are usually played with 35 overs per side.
All Grammar alumni receive free membership to the Old Sydneians’ Cricket Club for the first two years after leaving school.
Please contact the President, Julian Lavigne on 0438 075 200 or at jlavigne@veblengroup.com for further information.