The major field exercise was our annual bivouac in October at Douglas Park Retreat Centre near Camden. We conducted a Flying Experience weekend at RAAF Richmond in November and our annual Ceremonial Parade was followed by a special social night ball to celebrate the conclusion of the training year.
A number of our members actively participate in ‘Number 344 Musicians Flight’ the State-level band which performs at ceremonial events and on Anzac Day. One of our cadets gained a scholarship at the Elementary Flight Training School to complete his first ‘solo’ flight, marking a defining moment in his junior aviation career. The Elementary Flight Training School offers scholarships to bring cadets to a ‘first solo’ level, or 15 hours’ worth of pilot training, depending on which occurs first. To achieve this, cadets are privileged enough to fly brand new Diamond DA40 NG aeroplanes from Austria, delivered to the Australian Air Force Cadets in 2019 at RAAF Base Richmond.
Flying Officer (AAFC) MR Glozier
Squadron Liaison Officer, 306 Squadron
Australian Air Force Cadets
Stirling van As (VI)