When you buy your son's gear from the Grammar Shop all profits come back to the School.

We have everything your boy needs by the way of uniform and sportswear (except for rowing gear) as well as stationery items, crested goods, umbrellas, dog leads and scarves.

Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard or cash. Our managers, are experts at dealing with boys especially those who are reluctant to try on clothes! If you are having trouble, send your son in with payment details and they can kit him out.

The shop will purchase second-hand, dry-cleaned, blazers in good condition for re-sale. Other second-hand items can be left at the shop where they will be sorted and accepted as donations to the Women’s Association.

Grammar Shop Price List


You can contact the shop on 9332 5854 or sgswashop@sydgram.nsw.edu.au.


  • Monday 10:00am – 2:00pm
  • Thursday 8:00am – 4:00pm
  • Friday 12:00pm – 4:00pm

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