Career Guidance

The 2025 Careers Convention: Monday 2 June

Call for Advisers: Parents, if you can assist as an adviser at the Careers Convention, either in your professional and work area or your academic interests, please contact by email

This year, the Careers Convention will be at the School on Monday 2 June. There are three parts to the Convention, held jointly with six schools.
1.The Courses and Careers Exhibition: The exhibition will be held in the School Gymnasium from 3pm to 5pm. The major universities will be exhibitors, with private tertiary education providers also represented.

2.Courses and Careers Talks: There will be as series of talks by the universities and other providers of tertiary education; AMT, Palladium and the JVH from 4.30pm.

3.Careers Advising: This will take place in Palladium Building classrooms from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. It will be an opportunity for boys in Forms IV, V and VI and their parents, to meet informally with advisers from many career and university areas.

ANU - Direct Entry and Tuckwell Scholarship opened 3 March 2025.
The first step in applying for a Tuckwell Scholarship is to submit a Stage 1 Application. Detail here.
ANU - timeline and information
ANU - Open Day

Careers and courses information is available on Canvas or from Mr Whild in SB10 Mr Whild by email.


Universities Admissions Centre

Melbourne University

University of New England

Wollongong University

Western Sydney University

Australian National University

Macquarie University

University of New South Wales

University of Newcastle

University of Sydney

University of Technology, Sydney

Oxford University

Cambridge University

SAT Information

Register on line

The Library of Information from the College Board

Presentations to prepare students for the SAT

Online Resources

Careers Online

Defence Force Careers

Education Services Australia

Read Stories of Inspiration