An integrated approach to pastoral care, along with social and intellectual enrichment, is provided through the Tutorial and House system.
Every boy is allocated a Tutor who offers one-on-one support and advice in a small group setting. In addition, the Tutor organises regular meetings which stimulate boys to think beyond the academic curriculum. Tutors encourage boys to be independent and to take responsibility for themselves. They also maintain regular contact with parents. Similarly, when parents need to contact the School, they do so through the Tutor. In the case of more complex or serious matters, then the boy’s Housemaster is available to assist.
In Form I (Year 7) the Tutorial system is under the general direction of the Master of the Lower School and from Form II (Year 8) onwards under the Deputy Headmaster and the nine Housemasters. Tutorial groups meet briefly every day and for an extended tutorial period several times in a term. The informal nature of contact between boys and Tutors and the frequency with which they meet means that their relationship is often a close one.
Peer Support Leaders in Form V (Year 11) are trained to help boys in Form I (Year 7) settle in to the School during their first year.
Three psychologists are available for boys with personal and emotional issues or those experiencing difficulty with their schoolwork. One counsellor also offers guidance in the choice of university courses and career options.
In general terms, the pastoral care system is designed to prepare boys for University life, encouraging them as far as possible to have the confidence to solve their own problems and make their own choices.